Thursday 12 May 2016

New Music : Introducing - DIICE

What electronic future soul / pop group DIICE lack in ground breaking originality with their debut Multigold, they make up for with a smooth as silk song that hits all the right of-the-moment buttons and then some. Not to be confused with a DJ of the same name on Soundcloud, this lot (at least I assume it’s at least two people, but I have absolutely no information whatsoever), could soon be finding themselves on all of those playlists labelled ‘Seduction’ or ‘Late Night Jams’ with some ease. It’s classy yet highly accessible r’n’b pop. If Multigold was a drink it would be a cocktail – a Between The Sheets – served by a bar waiter who knows exactly what he’s doing. They've started by throwing a six.

DIICE - Multigold

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