Thursday 9 May 2013

John Newman - Love Me Again (Video)

When we first featured John Newman back on Breaking More Waves as a new wave in 2012 it felt a bit awkward. After all, here was a guy who had already had a number 1 single and at the time we were only just introducing him as a ‘new’ act. Our reasoning was that a lot of people hadn’t clocked Newman’s name yet because that number 1 was as a guest vocalist on Rudimental’s Feel The Love.

Now after feeling the love and a fair amount of time passing, Newman lets fly solo; and he wants even more. 

This one’s called Love Me Again.

Here are our three key points about the song / video.

1. (The most important point) It’s bloody brilliant.

2. If this isn’t a number 1 hit single in the UK and all over the radio there’s something very wrong with the world. What’s not to like about a song that features a huge chorus that pounds into your head, Motown / Stax / Soul references  a plenty, Italian piano house riffs out of the late 80’s / early 90’s and Newman’s arse clinching vocal? 

3. The video is set in a northern soul club. We like the attempt at making it authentic with the shot of the talc being sprinkled on the floor, but we don’t like the ending, which feels lazy and unoriginal these days. However we’ll forgive Newman for that one because this is one terrifically A.M.A.Z.I.N.G song. A summer smash for sure.

John Newman - Love Me Again (Video)


Anonymous said...

which northern soul club was it ????

Anonymous said...

" lazy and unoriginal!!" you are flipping kidding me!! I almost had a heart attack!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Filmed in Stoke Newington

Cheese Lover said...

The ending was like 'wow' I was surprised it ended like that seriously they got run over! Way to end a video! :-) Wen I first watched the ending I was like :-O WHAT THE HELL!

Anonymous said...

the girl in the video with the talc has a pretty good solo project, much more underground and 60s than anything heard at the moment. Worth a listen

Anonymous said...

Is this a remake of a song from 'New Wave' '80s band of which I dont know the name,,,