Thursday 4 June 2015

XYLØ - Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

“The battle never ends but you won the war,” sings Paige Duddy, whilst military drums rattle through the song. Yes, the second track from LA based pop newcomers XYLØ fires all the right sounding guns from the off.  Of course, all these references to some sort of violent onslaught might suggest that Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea is some sort of deadly armageddon fuelled noisy rocker – far from it. This is a piece of melancholy pop that tells of being shipwrecked, going under, coming up for air, diving in the deep end and drowning. It seems like Paige needs some relationship swimming lessons or at least armbands or a rubber ring to keep her afloat. 

If (like us) you're fans of New Zealand's sad-pop brother sister duo Broods, then the chances are high that you'll be adding XYLØ  (Paige and Chase who form the duo are also siblings) to your list of favourites.

XYLØ - Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea

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