Wednesday 20 December 2017

New Music: Introducing - Lauren Auder

I’m not sure if Lauren Auder is this nineteen-year old’s real name or if the artist’s parents work for the police or as judges and just got a bit carried away. But irrespective of the moniker Lauren is not making the sort of music you’d necessarily expect of someone of this age. As soon as you see the words ‘inspired by the work of twentieth-century composer Maurice Durufle’ it’s pretty easy to guess that this debut song, The Baptist, released through the True Panther Sounds label isn’t going to be your typical autotuned piece of Spotify friendly pop, nor is it going to be celebrating drinking champagne in da club. That guess would be right.

Actually, Lauren’s parents don’t work for the police. In fact, according to an interview he did last year with Noisey they both come from a music journalism background. His mum used to work for the NME and his dad for Karrang, although he refused to name who they were. So maybe it isn’t entirely surprising that Lauren’s music isn’t from the mainstream if he grew up in an environment that was probably exposed to an awful lot of sounds at a young age. 

So, what does The Baptist sound like? It’s a slow-core piece of beauty. Gentle reflective piano sounds and cello provide the soundtrack for a mournful voice, which has some similarity to King Krule, as Auder sings. “If Christ died for me one time for my crimes, I doubt he would again.” It’s music for the thoughtful, the contemplative and those on the outside. It sounds refreshingly unique.

Lauren Auder - The Baptist

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