Monday 20 October 2014

Huntar - Bitter

Here at Breaking More Waves we like comparisons. Some people call this lazy journalism, but that’s fine – paraphrasing our blog brother Andy Von Pip of The Von Pip Musical Express, copying and pasting a press release straight onto a blog or website is lazy journalism, actually giving some consideration to reference points isn’t.

So here are some comparisons. In getting these we asked four different people what artist they thought this song sounded like. Yes we know that’s lazy as well, but we hoped it would reinforce our views. 75% of them said Bastille. 25% of them said Hurts. Not one of them mentioned that Bitter sounded a bit like Aquilo, but then we realised that when writing reference points, if you mention bands that only 0.1% of the population know of it's probably not a very useful reference point. We’d probably also have described Bitter as sounding a bit like commercial credible boy band pop with a hint of chill wave, but then again probably less than 0.1% of the population know what chill wave sounds like.

Which brings us to a conclusion and question:

What is the point of writing about what music sounds like, when as a reader you can just press play and decide yourself? Maybe we should have just written “New tune by Huntar, this is good.”

Now that’s what we call lazy. 

Oh, and if you see anyone write  “Emerging from the shadows of south east London's electronic scene with his pop sensibilities twisted, 21yr old producer and vocalist Huntar's heart beats in time with the rhythms that birthed him, from the maximalism of Hudson Mohawke to Prince at his infectious best ,” that came from the press release.

Bitter is taken from Huntar's debut EP released on the 8th December. You get the track for free immediate download when you pre-order the EP (here)

Footnote: There's a bit of Chet Faker in this as well perhaps? Right, we're done with comparing.

Huntar - Bitter

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