Tuesday 26 October 2021

NEW #38 - Honeyglaze


The latest addition to the Breaking More Waves NEW series is a London based indie guitar 3 piece that have recently released their debut single through Dan Carey’s Speedy Wunderground label. 

Like some of the other acts that have come to prominence through the label (Squid, Black Country, New Road) Honeyglaze’s sound has a deep avant-garde streak running through it. And whilst sometimes avant-garde is just a glossy way of saying ‘unlistenable shite’ there’s something rather calm and beautiful about Burglar, their debut single.

It reminds me a little of some of the bands who came to prominence in the mid 90’s who weren’t associated with the Britpop scene - bands that we’d probably now lazily label dream-pop. Yet there certainly is a languid dreaminess to what Honeyglaze do. It’s the sound of stumbling out of bed with a weary head on an autumnal Sunday morning and looking out at the crisp but foggy day. It’s the sound of Trish Keenan from Broadcast with a dash of artists from early Chemikal Undergound releases sprinkled subtly over the top.

Having only formed this year Honeyglaze was quickly signed to Carey’s label after a friend of the band sent a video of them playing live to him. They’ve already been out playing gigs - I caught them at Cardiff’s Sŵn. What impressed me  was the range of songs they already had in their repertoire and the way they didn’t conform to all of the regular new band gig cliches such as asking everyone to buy their merch or saying that you can find them on all the socials. Instead in between songs there was mainly silence with the occasional piece of surreal chat. At one point Tim their bassist said something along the line of: “A secret about Honeyglaze is…” and then never finished the sentence. 

Honeyglaze are a welcome addition to a bunch of Honeys that includes Black Honey, Honeyblood and Honey Lung and consist of Anouska Sokolow (guitars and lead vocals) Tim Curtis (bass) and Yuri Shibuichi (drums).

Honeyglaze - Burglar

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