A band taking a name like Worship may seem just a little arrogant. Are they expecting to develop a devout crowd of fanatics who follow their music with religious zeal ? Well quite possibly yes. Because this band produce incredibly taught, mysterious sounding, modern rock music. Although we’ve only heard a small number of their tracks, we have been left impressed with the more than achingly beautiful In Our Blood, and the supremely absorbing guitar atmospherics of their song Billion. Then there’s the electronically synth patterned Day and Age, which throbs with haunting experimentation and shadowy moodiness. Reminiscent of Radiohead and the direction Editors took with their most recent album (but better), Worship may well find that their name becomes an apt command.
We know very little about Worship, but our investigations reveal that they are west Berkshire based, have been booked for Bestival later this year, have upcoming support slots with more Breaking More Waves favourites Nedry and The Good Natured and have recently remixed Parasol by My Luminaires. It's probably a little too early to start thinking about our ones to watch for 2011 list, but we will be keeping a careful eye and ear out for Worship. Listen to their music here and watch them play live below.
Thanks. Good band - but impossible to find on Google !
Thanks Robin. Only discovered this blog this month. Some really good tips. Worship, Mount Kimbie and NewIslands all great and I'd never heard of any of them. Just subscribed to your feed.
Yep !
Radiohead definitely came to mind. Good find. Really hating this "let's be as secretive as possible" fad that bands are using at the moment though.
- saamFG
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