With the BBC likely to announce the closure of 6 Music we’d like to think a nation mourns. However it seems according to the Times (here) that only 20% of adults even know the station exists. Hardly surprising considering it is a more alternative music station broadcasting on digital and internet only with very little exposure compared with the likes of Radio 1, 2 or a TV show such as X Factor. Maybe Lauren Laverne needs to have a lesbian affair with Cheryl Cole / Tweedy in the 6 Music offices and then mistakenly send the photos to The Sun in a text message. That would raise its profile.
So whilst a nation may not be saddened at its closure (or that of Asian Network which is also being culled) there is no doubt that its loss is tantamount to cultural vandalism. BBC 6 Music may not have the highest listening figures, but let’s not forget biggest is not always best. Small can influence. Drop a small stone into a pond and watch the ripples grow. We’ve learnt a little bit about that ourselves in the last year through this blog. BBC 6 Music is one of those stones. Commercial stations can’t be as inventive or take risks the way 6 Music can and has.
Even a site like Popjustice, which readily admits that the 6 Music playlist does not fall into its view of things, has concerns about its ending and can see the cultural impact it may have (here).
We firmly believe that a licence funded BBC is one of the reasons why the UK music scene has always punched above its weight. The closure of 6 Music is likely to lessen the power of that punch. There will always be an argument on how much of the nations budget should be spent on culture. But in this case we believe the BBC are making a huge mistake.
Very sad indeed.
Publicity and knowledge OF 6Music existing has been its biggest problem: nothing wrong with its content at all IMHO.
Where else would this sort of provision exist? Certainly not anywhere commercial. Unique and quality content? I think so: so what can possibly be the justification. Its like the problems of Seinfeld and Arrested Development all over again: don't publicise, hide them in a cupboard, then complain not enough watch/listen.
SHODDY. And yes, I was shouting.
You are better than this BBC.
Shoddy indeed. I posted this article about 10 hours before the news leaked through that 6 music was going to be closed.
Today I have fallen out of love with the BBC quite a bit. Quality vs quantity seems to have gone out the window.
The day the music died....
Falling into Murdoch's trap. Trying to compete with commercial stations is the complete antithesis of what good public service broadcating should do.
In fact this will give Murdoch a greater argument, he can say "well if they cant cater for niche audiences why bother with a public service provider at all"
....it's all wrong..
Only bright spot came from reading the Pop justice blog "will Radio 1 be able to find room for a new Mini Viva, or a new Pixie Lott, or a new JLS? Will it even bother,"
Let bloody hope not! ;)
Very good point Von Pip - there are longer term negative implications with this decision as well.
As Lisa says. SHODDY.
I've have been almost depressed since I first heard this was on the cards a few weeks ago. For me it sparks the beginning of the end for the BBC as a whole.
The BBC is one of those things that that the majority won't realise what we've lost until it has been completely dismantled by pressure coming from commercial media organisations who are ultimately eyeing up slices of the license fee in some sort of syndicated media market.
We'll end up with radio and TV like you get abroad (has anyone looked at local TV in pretty much any other European country) full of imports from the states and ropey cheap home made programming. And when this happens foreigners will think we were mad to lose the BBC.
6Music is pretty much the only station I listen to. Life will be poorer without it.
although I don't live in UK but I used to have fun time w/ BBC 6 music. Sad that it's over.
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