Wednesday, 4 January 2012

The Good Natured - Video Voyeur (No Ceremony/// Remix)

Unlike commercial publications who in order to attract readers / hits  have to feature certain artists that meet the demographic of their audience, being truly independent means we can do what we like. This is what fan journalism is about. There’s no reason for us to feature the latest buzz act (hello Azealia Banks) if we don’t love their music. However, if we want to feature a whole weeks worth of adoring gushing N-Robz (hello Nicola) posts we can. We could even rename our blog The Nicola Roberts Appreciation Society if we wanted to without any worries about loss of readership through re-branding.

So today here’s a remix. We’ve been long-term lovers (and when we say long term we mean in the sense of the timescales of music blogs, which in the main operate at a hump ‘em and dump ‘em speed of about 2 milliseconds) of The Good Natured and have been getting quite frisky with No Ceremony/// of late, so when you put the two together for a bit of a remix orgy the chances are, as a fan, we’re going to get quite excited and jump in to enjoy the fun.

Like any coupling there’s usually someone who’s a little more dominant and in this case it’s No Ceremony/// who are in the driving seat, so for balance we’re also streaming the original Good Natured track, a solo effort (no we’re not doing a masturbatory pun on that) which we didn’t post when it first came on line as we were busy with all of our end of year run downs. Play both, but don’t deliberate the differences, that’s like comparing a girlfriend / boyfriend with a previous partner. Just enjoy each one for what they are.

The Good Natured - Video Voyeur (No Ceremony/// Remix)

The Good Natured - Video Voyeur

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