When men wear masks in pop bands - Altern 8 and Slipknot immediately come to mind - we question why they wish to remain anonymous. Is it because they are so cocksure of their songs that they believe instant success will shower them with recognition that they don’t want ? Is it some arty statement on pop celebrity ? After they’ve finished their video or photo shoot are they about to rob a bank ? Are they just a talking point for publicity ? Or are they just damn ugly ? Is Tropical are the masked buccaneers that we’re talking about in this case, but for the moment the question remains unanswered. So instead we’ll just concentrate on the bands music.
Is Tropical are a trio who have an escapist indie pop sensibility about them, but it is coated with a simple raw electronic sound. Everything they do features a certain squalid lo-fi ambience that on South Pacific reminds us of OMD (Messages or Electricity for example), and on the instrumental Seasick Mutiny a common wonkiness displayed by bands such as Hot Chip and more particularly Metronomy is brought to the fore. The debut single from Is Tropical is When O When and will be released on the 18th January on limited edition seven inch and download through Hit Club, exclusively through Pure Groove records. The band are also stepping out on tour with the much praised Egyptian Hip Hop very soon. Be one of the first twenty through the door and get yourself an exclusive free CD.
When O When is a devious little number starting with accordions, a simple electronic loop and cowboy like acoustic strum before after a minute and a half it crashes in with something a little heavier to rattle the bones. It certainly shows some promise but we think the band will have to ditch the masks soon or they will be mocked for just being a gimmicky band. Here it is.
GREAT BAND, they're doing a free party for the release of this single, where they're going to play a few tracks. Read about it here http://bit.ly/8DIk4F
This is fucking great! Will try and get them to do a support slot for us at one of our upcoming Brighton gigs. Have you seen them live yet?
If I blog about them I'll credit finding them on here. Credit where credit is due I reckon...
No haven't seen them live yet. If they play south coast I would try to be there though.
Any credit gratefully accepted :) Cheers.
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