The trouble with much of the music that broadly falls under the vague and fuzzy umbrella that is known as shoegaze, is that it’s essentially lazy. It lolls around in its detached distorted bed of noise without the energy to do anything but drone on and on through a fog of messed up guitars and indistinct vocals. Shoegaze is designed for the sort of person who thinks that getting out of bed, making a cup of tea and having a cigarette is a productive day.
Or is it? Because Carousels track Sleep has many of the characteristics of shoegaze (the title itself suggests it will be the anthem of the comatose and apathetic) but it fizzes with an animated fire of guitar riffage that positively excites like a lusty romp in a bed that sees action every night. It’s music that pumps away for five and a half minutes of giddying passion before finally draining away. Yes shoegaze can be exhilarating and full of spunk after all. And if Sleep is the moment when Carousels reach for the climax, then another song Here To Me is the moment just after – there’s still the heat but there’s also a calming wash of ethereal chiming guitars and the handclaps of celebration.
So who are Carousels? They’re a Guildford two piece consisting of friends since childhood Nick Benton and Lucy Wilson. They have yet to play a live show together. However, this will change in October when the band play The Old Blue Last in London. We expect a buzz not only from the instruments that night, but the crowd as well. As long as those wanting to attend can find the drive to get themselves out of bed.
SLEEP by CarouselsHERE TO ME by Carousels
I previously got the impression that you liked shoegazey music ? Not so?
As a genre, generally yes - although there will always be stuff that moves me more and other shoegaze bands that move me less. The reference to laziness wasn't saying I didn't like lethargic music - in fact somtimes there's nothing better than doing very little (even although in reality I do very little very little) - but in the case of Carousels these tracks display an energy which shoegaze doesn't always give, and that's the point I was trying to make - as well as throwing a few sexual references in, because after all music is sexy isn't it?
Fuck. Just found my new favourite blog. Awesome mix of commercial and underground new music. Lana Del Rey, Willy Moon, Ronika and this band. Will visit often.
Thanks - comments like that make it all worthwhile. Please remember to support the artists and buy their music / go see them live when it's released !
Hmm not really sure if I can agree that shoegaze and lethargy enjoy a symbiotic relationship ... Like any genre it has that element, but so does grunge, so does electro .. but as somebody who has seen Lush , JAMC, Ride The Twilight Sad and MBV on numerous occasions as a youngster there was never a lack of energy, musical or otherwise at the gigs ..in fact some where the most incendiary shows I’ve ever seen
Yep,point taken - maybe I could have used this argument about any genre - chillwave for example springs immediately to mind. Mind you I did almost fall asleep at a Slowdive gig once.....
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