Last week saw the release of 5: Five Years of Hyperdub, a compilation from the London dubstep label of the same name. Amongst the tracks on the compilation you will find the first new material from Burial since his collaboration with Four Tet. Since Will Bevan was nominated for the Mercury Prize with Untrue, the name Burial has been keeping a distinctly low profile; Fostercare represents the first head above the parapet.
For those expecting a radical departure from the Untrue pattern book, you will be sorely disappointed. Fostercare knits together the same strands that made Untrue such a work of art. Impassive beats, ghostly bass, floating pitch shifted vocals that glide in and out of the mix and down beat post club atmospherics stitch and pearl in a mix that will be familiar to those who love Burial. Fostercare is mesmerising, trippy and sinisterly evocative. The soundtrack to the end of the night continues.
Anyone know what the Fostercare title is a reference to?
Nope. Burial seems a difficult chap to find out about.
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