The name Slow Club is perfect for Breaking More Waves perceptions of this band. For Slow Club’s brand of country folk pop has been slowly and gradually enveloping us with love over the last year, kissing us with its warm whimsical charm. Whilst Slow Club may be accused of being a little twee at times, their music is always beautifully engaging. Cuteness can be nauseating sometimes, but Slow Club drop just enough sugar cubes in your cup of tea and stir just the right amount. They have the sort of sound that befits a glorious spring day. And such a day it was when the band recently took their turn at bandstand busking.
With a new single It Doesn’t Have To Be Beautiful out at the end of June and an album entitled Yeah So - probably the most cocksure title we’ve heard for a while, to follow on Moshi Moshi in July, it’s going to be a busy few months for Slow Club, with a variety of gigs and festivals through the summer. But for now enjoy this ditty When I Go, complete with whistling interlude, recorded at the Northampton Square bandstand. There are further songs, including the single at the bandstand busking website. Then once you’ve enjoyed that, ponder if Charles is beginning to look like a trendier, younger version of Radio 1’s Colin Murray with beard.
'trendier' implies that Colin Murray was trendy to begin with - this has never been the case, clearly. Only joking. But he is an idiot. He's never play Slow Club - they are much too awesome for him.
Ha, maybe, or maybe 'trendier' implies simply more trendy than. So if you view Colin Murray as not trendy at all, then Charles is simply a bit trendier than that.
And sorry you are incorrect about Colin Murray having never played Slow Club. He has played Let's Fall Back In Love on his show.
Thanks for the comment - always appreciated :)
really, did he play it?
god, my world has gone upside down.
thanks for the reply
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