Sunday 28 August 2016

Playlist: Monthly Catch Up With Breaking More Waves Blog

Whilst I continue to upload around 20 posts a month on Breaking More Waves and whilst I’m aware that I do have a few regular daily readers, most people frequent my little blog far less often. Shame on you!

This means that you miss an awful lot – not only my witty, thoughtful and sometimes hilarious (!!) commentary but a whole bunch of good tunes.

For that reason, here's your chance to catch up, without the need to even see the written crap that I bash out, by way of a Spotify playlist. It features virtually everything I’ve posted on the blog in the previous 30 odd days and is fully refreshed around the end of each month – providing I remember to do so. This month’s is available now and can be found by clicking here or below.

Not quite everything I’ve posted on the blog is on the list, either because the artist is so new they only have demos on line, for example this month the fantastic Jade Bird, a major talent who I recommend you investigate by clicking here, or the artist isn’t streaming the song on Spotify yet. Two great examples from this month are the rather hard to watch video from Indiana for her song Caroline, and the absurdly good Deathproof by Breaking More Waves favourite and all round top woman Chløë Black, which is only on Soundcloud.

So take a listen, maybe follow the list and see what you’ve missed. But most of all – enjoy.

Breaking More Waves Latest Playlist

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