Monday 29 August 2016

New Music: Bon Iver - 33 "God"

In 2008 Bon Iver released For Emma, Forever Ago and it became my favourite album of the year. It’s one that has also very much stood the test of time and regularly finds a place on my listening device of choice. Since that time Justin Vernon’s status has continued to increase with many a music aficionado, but for me nothing has got close to that record. With a new album imminent however, new song 33 “God”, released today, gets close.

Starting with a piano refrain that sounds like the intro to a Tom Odell song, 33 "God" soon diverts into more experimental territory, but (and here’s the important thing for me) underneath the raw electronics and weird effects there’s still a beautiful tune. “I find god and religion too, staying at the Ace Hotel,” he croons in falsetto. Well at least it’s not at the Travelodge. One to lose yourself in.

Bon Iver - 33 "God"

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