Tuesday 13 January 2015

Liu Bei - Fields (ft Rachel Goswell)

Last year’s Slowdive reformation made a fair few shoegaze / post-rave comedown fans particularly happy and the Oxford / Reading ‘Thames Valley’ / ‘Scene That Celebrates Itself’ revival shows no signs of abating yet with Ride being the next band to get back together. We’re taking odds on Thousand Yard Stare, Revolver, Lush, Curve, Pale Saints and Chapterhouse all yanking out their guitars soon.

For those who are relatively new to Slowdive however, may we also recommend what Rachel and Neil from the band did next, namely Mojave 3’s album Ask Me Tomorrow and particularly the songs Love Songs On The Radio and Candle Song 3 as well as Rachel Goswell’s solo effort Waves Are Universal and in particular the song Warm Summer Sun.

Which brings us up to date with London five piece Liu Bei, who impressed with their expansive tune Infatuation last May and do so again with new track Fields, which features the guest vocal of Rachel Goswell somewhere in the distance. Fields is a stop everything and listen moment; ambient, nuanced and full of beatless beauty. Let it drift over you and take you somewhere else. As the lyrics say, “I can’t wait to leave this place.”

Liu Bei - Fields (ft Rachel Goswell)

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