Wednesday 14 January 2015

Eva Stone - I Don't Miss You At All

Every November, before all the big guns roll out their tips for the year ahead Breaking More Waves goes early and publishes its own Ones to Watch list for the forthcoming year, which consists of 10 or 15 artists. Cast your mind back to 2013 and our 10 Ones to Watch 2014 included a few acts who have gone on to be reasonably commercially successful in the UK (Jungle, George Ezra, Banks) as well as some who have grown steadily so that come the start of 2015 they are still appearing on others' Ones to Watch lists (Wolf Alice, Iyes). But there were also a couple who in terms of releases haven’t been particularly forthcoming. 

First up was Katie Taylor aka Mononoke who did at least put out some songs at the start of the year, but then seemed to go pretty much silent with the exception of some pictures posted on her Facebook page including one that stated “I died, R.I.P me,” in December 2014. Oh dear. 

Second was Eva Stone, who has yet to get a proper single release out. However, a quick look at Eva’s Facebook page reveals that perhaps we were just a tad too early with our One to Watch tip, 2014 hasn’t been a fully unproductive year, with some of her highlights being supporting Vance Joy, Paolo Nutini, Nitin Sawhney and most importantly from a musical perspective “ recording some of the best material I've written in a while with a friend in a wee bedroom in Sunderland.” Maybe Eva will crop on somone’s One to Watch for 2016 or even 2017 list? Who knows.

However, towards the end of 2014 there was a release of sorts. For Daisy Digital’s It’s Coming On Christmas 2014 charity LP, Eva recorded a beautiful cover of the Norah Jones song Don’t Miss You At All (which she’s added a sneaky 'I' onto the title). Yesterday Eva uploaded it to her Soundcloud. Whilst the song evokes all the atmosphere of a Christmas song (snow falling down, children playing) it fits any melancholy winter day and so we think it's worth another listen now. If you missed it on the Christmas compilation, take a gentle moment out to soak up its tenderness and grace.

Eva Stone - I Don't Miss You At All

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