Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Teenagers In Tokyo - End It Tonight (Worship Remix)

We’re not in a habit of posting about remixes. Not that we don’t like a good remix - the best are an art form in themselves, defining songs in a whole new way, but the blogosphere is so full of the things, that readers are well catered for elsewhere.

One of our favourite approaches to the movement is the Aphex Twin method - a man who released a compilation of remixes called Twenty Six Mixes for Cash. It’s brutal, but at least Aphex Twin was honest enough to admit that producing the remix was all about the money. In an artistic sense however, what we love about Aphex Twin was that he had no respect for the original artists work, often stripping a song back to virtually nothing and then rebuilding. Once when asked by a record company to remix a Lemonheads track he reportedly gave the record company one of his own pieces of music, masquerading it under the guise of a remix and allegedly received a significant payment for it.

End It Tonight is the second single to be taken from the Teenagers In Tokyo album Sacrifice, which is due on the 24th May 2010. The original track is a reasonably competent but hardly ground breaking piece of indie rock. Then Worship get their hands on it.

We’ve already featured Worship (lead singer Tim pictured above) a couple of times here and here, and now in quick succession they are back again. Worship adopt a route similar to Aphex Twin with their remix, deconstructing the original and turning it into something else completely. End It Tonight now becomes a dark electronic ghost march of ambient menace as it builds into something that borders on the colossal. There’s no attempt to just throw a dance beat and a few effects over the original song here, instead Worship create a fluttering, pulsing, night-cloaked beast.

End It Tonight by Teenagers In Tokyo (Worship Remix) by Worship

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