Saturday, 17 April 2010

Unicorn Kid - Dream Catcher

Last August we first wrote about one Oli Sabin aka Unicorn Kid and then later in December put him into our very special drawer called Ones To Watch 2010. Now is the time to show why this Scottish genius deserves a drawer all of his own.

For Unicorn Kid has a spot on jump-to-the-ceiling contemporary sound. The type of sound that will leave many parents scratching their heads. “That’s not music,” they’ll say. “That’s just a noise, where’s the song? People can't enjoy that can they?” Sorry mum, sorry dad, the answer is a big resounding yes. Unicorn Kid seems to be able to create, without fail, pumped-up perfectly constructed electronic blasts of hyperactive Super Marioness. Our vision is of deranged beautiful youths with massive smiles on their faces, charging round the arcade shouting “Chiptune,” at the top of their voices.

Now signed to Ministry Of Sound, with Dream Catcher Unicorn Kid steps up to the line and fires a bulls eye. Dream Catcher takes his music to another dimension, one where Galaxians and Space Invaders smile and fire orgasmic lasers at the glitchy and bleepy boy wonder. Heavier and dirtier than anything Oli has produced before, Dream Catcher is a bit of an Atari monster. Do your computer a favour, power on up and play this beast. Straight to the centre of the target.

This is the sound of Britain in 2010. Utterly utterly amazing. No, scrap that. U.T.T.E.R.L.Y A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Turn it up loud. This is it.

Unicorn Kid - Dream Catcher by Ministry of Sound

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