Monday 27 May 2019

New Music: Winnie Raeder - I Wear A Ghost

Winnie Raeder had already filled my heart with her debut Don’t You Dare and now she lays claim to being one of the most promising new voices of 2019 with the sublime I Wear A Ghost.

Against a gentle acoustic background and light harmonies Winnie exposes her doubts about herself and who she is to someone. It’s music that speaks to the soul; tender and powerful.  There’s a tiny hint of the Lewis Capaldi’s about I Wear A Ghost but here it coaxes you in softly rather than straining for the power chord as Capaldi seems to do rather too often for my liking.

Sometimes I write too many words. This time let’s just let the music do the talking.

Winnie plays St Pancras Old Church in London on 3rd June (Sold Out) and Bushstock festival on the 15th June. 

Winnie Raeder - I Wear A Ghost

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