Tuesday 13 November 2018

New Music: Fontaines D.C. - Too Real (Video)

Fontaines D.C. are the sort of unruly rock and roll band that it’s very easy to fall for in a minute. For a start they’ve got lyrics that put a stamp on things. A stamp that is probably clad in a fairly hefty steel toe capped Doctor Marten boot: “An idiot is someone who lets their education do all of the thinking,” is just one of the killers from Chequeless Reckless, a tune that’s been finding its way into heads all over the place. 

And there’s more. Their songs are scrappy and tough enough to carry an energy to them. Then there's the snarling half-sung half-spoken drawls from frontman Grian Chatten which unsurprisingly have already begun to be compared to Mark E Smith of The Fall. I’d put Fontaines D.C.in the ‘deadly vital’ category. They really are.

And now here’s their new song. Too Real. It features a big smack of guitar noise (the intro is one and half minutes long) and an intense and direct repeated mantra of “Is it too real for ya?” delivered by Chatten. You can imagine him craning into an audience and launching those words into their faces over and over. Uneasy listening of the most enjoyable kind. Let them hit you with it.

Too Real will be released as a double A-side single alongside another new track The Cuckoo Is A Callin' on 21st Dec. 

Fontaines DC - Too Real (Video)

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