Monday 2 October 2017

New Music: Firewoodisland - Dearest Brother

There’s something rather life-affirming about Dearest Brother, the new single from Stian Vedøy, Abi Eleri, Stephen Allen and Dylan Jones, who are better known as Firewoodisland.

It’s a song of friendship, compassion and tough love for someone who has been hurt by bad decisions: “I am walking in when the world is stepping out,” emotes the hook as the tune heads skywards after a warm and gentle beginning of soft 70’s sounding acoustic guitars and harmonies. The band have tagged the song ‘Mountain pop’ on their Soundcloud and that’s certainly a good description. Dearest Brother sounds like it could be hollered from the tops of the earth; it has a that certain celestial quality to it.

Having already picked up support with their 2014 debut EP lld and the following Dome EP last year, Dearest Brother should allow the Bristol based four piece to find even more fans of their wonderful songwriting.

Firewoodisland - Dearest Brother

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