Monday 29 May 2017

New Music: OMD - Isotype

Here’s some very new music from a very old band. 

OMD have never shied away from the fact that they were influenced hugely by Kraftwerk when they started out and it seems that even now, way beyond their 80’s heyday, they continue to doff their hats to the German synth pioneers. Take a listen to new song Isotype, taken from forthcoming album The Punishment of Luxury, to hear the evidence. With its bleeps, pulses, vocoder voices and a beautiful sweeping synth line Isotype will no doubt please long-standing fans and that includes here at Breaking More Waves. The song itself seems to be a comment on the reduction of thoughts and information into simple forms for fast communication in today's web and app enabled world.

For younger readers, if you like the sound of this and have never checked out the back catalogue of OMD I’d recommend starting with Architecture And Morality before going to Crush and then for some odd experimentation, try my personal favourite, the misunderstood Dazzle Ships – the record that lost them millions of fans – and then make sure you read Bob Stanley’s great piece on that album by clicking here.

OMD - Isotype

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