Saturday 27 May 2017

New Music: Introducing - Robinson

I always think it’s a little odd when a musician just uses their surname as their pop star name. Can you imagine Adele if she was just known as Adkins? Or Rihanna if she’d been called Fenty? And Knowles-Carter would be a bit of a mouthful when you can just have Beyoncé wouldn’t it? But new singer on the block Robinson has decided to go down the surname route, aligning herself with a UK brand of fruit cordial that has real fruit in every drop. As far as I can tell from a quick Google search her first name is Anna, which is a nice name, but maybe not very pop star like. But then you could say the same about Adele.

Robinson is from New Zealand, a country that has been banging out all sorts of quality pop over the last few years, most notably Lorde, but also Broods and there’s a hint of both of those artists in Robinson’s debut song Don’t You Forget About Me, which you’ll be pleased / disappointed to hear (depending on your perspective) isn’t a cover of the Simple Minds song. Instead it’s a relatively subdued piece of pop that gets better with every listen. Along its way Don’t You Forget About Me throws in a couple of f-words, some yeah yeah yeah chants and a black and white video which was either filmed in the rain or a car wash. 

Don’t forget her name, particularly her last one – this is Robinson.

Robinson - Don't You Forget About Me (Video)

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