Wednesday 10 May 2017

New Music: Honeyblood - Walking At Midnight (Video)

There’s a couple of indie rock / pop guitar bands I’ve been to see live recently who seem to have really upped their game in terms of crowd excitement levels and size  compared to when I’ve seen them before. One is The Big Moon (who this year released a highly-recommended song fuelled debut album – do check out Love in The Fourth Dimension if you haven’t done so already) and the other is Honeyblood who now have two solid records under their belt, both of which featured on my respective end of year lists.

From Honeyblood’s second Babes Never Die comes a new video for Walking At Midnight, which features a performance by drag-artist Virgin Xtravaganzah, some scary looking audience members and some nods to old school horror films, particularly Carrie and Suspiria. Prepare to get a little creeped out.

Honeyblood - Walking At Midnight (Video)

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