Tuesday 23 August 2016

New Music: Introducing - Jade Bird

Today I’m introducing a ‘new’ artist, who has two tracks up on Soundcloud. One is a Drake / Beyonce cover, the other is Find My Baby - a slow bluesy rocker that weighs heavy but in a good way. Both have been on line for a year, but as her original has picked up less than a thousand plays, the tag of ‘new’ still feels very appropriate – Jade Bird is going to be new to the vast majority of readers of Breaking More Waves.

So what do I know about Jade? Only a little, because like many of my favourite discoveries on this blog she doesn’t come via an agent, a PR company, the artist herself or a tip from anywhere else, so I haven’t been supplied with any information except what I’ve sourced myself. What I do know (thanks Google) is that she comes by way of Brit School, a route that used to be much derided by a certain kind of music snob, but let’s put the place into perspective with one word; Adele. I also know she’s a fan of Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan and is working on her debut EP in London. 

The most important thing aside from facts is that Jade Bird delivers and then some. Her songs, stripped down to an acoustic form (as you can see on the TEAFilms session below) are superb; full of soft stirring passion and surprises - just when you’ve got her nailed as a traditional country and blues singer songwriter she’s liable to throw in a near-rap (as she does on her Pixies cover). It's a technique not that dissimilar to Ed Sheeran - and he did quite well for himself didn't he? Adele? Ed Sheeran? Ok, with references to big names like that I'm almost certainly getting a little too worked-up, but Jade Bird is an undeniably big talent. I'm excited to hear more.

Jade Bird - Madeline - TEAFilms Live Session

Jade Bird - Where Is My Mind - TEAFilms Live Session

Jade Bird - Find My Baby

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