Wednesday 23 December 2015

Our Most Read Posts of 2015 & The Slow Death Of Music Blogging (?)

Here's a quote from 2013 on our post titled Are Music Blogs Dying (One Year On)?

“Maybe if traditional MP3 blogs are slowly dying, it’s going to be a real long slow death?

After all everything ends at some point doesn’t it? Having said that, crystal ball gazing on the internet is near impossible, so we’ll stop now and promise not to revisit this topic again in another 365 days.”

Well here we are at the end of 2015, well over 365 days later, and we’re still here, as are a whole host of other blogs. As we suggested in those past posts, people will always want to write about music and so whilst they do, the D-I-Y music blog, on line fanzine or similar vehicle for writing about music will continue, irrespective of how many people read it. It might modify and change, but it will still be necessary for some to do it and for some to read about it. So maybe part of our title The Slow Death Of Music Blogging isn't quite correct.

However, evidence from the statistics for Breaking More Waves over the last year or so suggests that music blogs are not as popular as they were before. Or rather, this blog isn’t as popular as it once was. More to the point, traditional single track blog posts about new music aren’t as popular as they once were. The reasons for this have already been discussed multiple times online but this article (here) from The DIY Musician sums it up nicely - music discovery just isn't that important for most people these days. 

Take a look at the 5 most popular posts on Breaking More Waves in 2015. The key here is that only 1 of them is a traditional single track blog post (Burn by Lapsley). All the others are opinion / discussion / news pieces . Click on the title to visit the original post.

The 5 Most Read Posts On Breaking More Waves In 2015

8 Things We Leant This Weekend About Running A Music Festival

Equal Opportunities For Female Musicians – Are Bloggers As Bad As Festival Bookers?

The Blog Sound Of 2016 Longlist Revealed

Breaking More Waves Is 7 Today (And Why We’re Slowing For  A While)

Lapsley - Burn

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