Saturday 1 February 2014

24 Hour Blogathon : Twin Caverns - New Waves

Louise Millar and Michael Macias from Sydney Australia go by the name of Twin Caverns and they’re creating languid atmospheric pop music, the musical equivalent of a soft white duvet that you can pull over your whole body whilst lazing in bed on a Sunday morning with a cup of full-bodied strong coffee. Having already created some attention with their contently relaxed version of Bon Iver’s Hinnom, TX they’re now setting out their own stall with their self-penned material. Of course setting out their own stall sounds quite assertive and really the music of Twin Caverns isn’t so. It’s much more subtle than that. The beats are light, the guitars are soft, the vocals discreet. This is creamily comforting music for those times when you just want everything to wash over you and life to just slow down a little.

Have a listen to Undiscover by Twin Caverns and find yourself in a musical cocoon.

Undiscover - Twin Caverns

This blog post is one of a series published as part of Breaking More Waves non-stop 24 hour Blogathon to raise money for Cancer Research UK. If you have read this post and enjoyed it or the music we’d really appreciate it if you would donate £2 to Cancer Research using the button below.

JustGiving - Sponsor me now!

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