Thursday 18 July 2013

Summer Camp - Fresh

Now all the hype surrounding Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories has settled down we think it’s about time that we went on record and said that we think it’s rather glorious. It’s a record that seems to break so many rules about what people expected of Daft Punk, destroys the notion that it’s not possible to make big expensive sounding pop records any more (Thom Yorke take note with regards to your recent comments concerning Dark Side of the Moon and how it couldn’t be created today), is like a love letter to music and in its sound makes us feel incredibly warm and nostalgic. The question now is will any other artists embrace Daft Punk’s love of prog-disco and give us further Saturday night fevers?

First out of the box shouting yes to this is Summer Camp as Jeremy and Elizabeth return with a new single. Fresh sounds as summery as a 99 Flake (that's an ice cream for you non UK types) with a dollop of disco guitar and pop melody on top.  It’s like a low budget indie version of Daft Punk, right down to the promo picture with two helmeted wearing dudes on a motorbike. Nothing will ever beat Pulp’s Do You Remember The First Time for songs about doing exactly that but Fresh does a damn fine job of getting close.

Summer Camp - Fresh

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