Tuesday 29 May 2012

Gabrielle Aplin - Blood

Since we last posted on Gabrielle Aplin a lot has happened. There’s been a whole string of sold out dates, she made her debut TV appearance on BBC2’s review show, entertained a traffic logged M1 motorway with an impromptu performance, announced another tour and most importantly has inked the dotted line with a major label. As we identified last year Gabrielle’s route to getting signed has been to build the all-important fan base first and aside from playing live the vast majority of this has been done via a succession of You Tube covers and videos.

So whilst Gabrielle begins preparations for a debut album release (we hear rumours of Jan 2013) she keeps everyone happy with a new homemade D-I-Y cover version of Blood by The Middle East recorded live with a Macbook and a bit of reverb to, as Gabrielle puts it, “smooth things out.” As with everything Gabrielle wraps her golden tones around, this song is bewitching, and endlessly beautiful. To say anticipation for the album in these quarters is high would be something of an understatement.

If you can’t remember the original then if you go way back on Breaking More Waves you’ll find it somewhere here.

Gabrielle Aplin - Blood (Video)

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