Thursday 27 October 2011

Codes - This Is Goodbye (Video)

Last week we featured the grandiose and widescreen sounds of Irish band Codes, who are over in the UK for a few small London shows over the next few days. Whilst the group have had some success and acclaim in their homeland, to the rest of the world they are still unknown.

So let’s open the treasure chest a little more, because besides these gigs, you can now watch the new video for This Is Goodbye and then download the track for free. “What’s ours is yours,” say the group.

The video is a relatively straightforward piece with the band walloping pianos and hacking at guitars, but it’s interspersed with shots of a rather beautiful lady walking through the woods. What her purpose is we’re not quite sure, but at 1.12 she appears to attempt to push over a tree, maybe because it has not been dreaming in algebra and therefore needs to be punished.

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