Wednesday 11 May 2011

The History Of Apple Pie - New Waves

The History Of Apple Pie do old school indie pop. The definition may vary but today we’re talking about the sweet noise of fuzzy guitars, laid back melodies and relatively lo-fi production. Dare we call it nu-gaze? Better not, it might have been done before. Their ideology starts at cassette tape compilations (via Cool In A Crisis label, run by the people who put on clubs such as Baby Honey and Twee As F**k) and ends up with the band dog legging their way onto the most recent NME Tour. Not bad for a group whose Myspace page is only nine months old.

With the reverby jangle of the likes of The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart and Yuck finding some degree of success over the last few years there’s no reason why The History Of Apple Pie couldn’t do exactly the same if they have the ambition. Of course ambition is something that arguably this sort of music doesn’t have, but maybe that’s exactly why you might like them as well. Not everyone wants to headline Glastonbury, but a slot at their perfect fit festival – Indietracks – will do them fine.

Tug by The History Of Apple Pie

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