Sunday 23 January 2011

The Palpitations - Milk It

Back in November 2009 The Palpitations gave some much needed muscle to the argument that indie guitar rock wasn’t dead with the enticing and evocative Tears in the Rain - a spectral and emotive piece of drama if ever we heard one. At the time we suggested that it’s edgy darkness and beauty was the perfect antidote to the likes of bands such as The Kooks and Razorlight. Listening back now Tears in the Rain seems even better placed today than it did in 2009 – or maybe it’s because ultimately a good song will always stand the test of time irrespective of fashion. We wonder how many people are still listening to Eddie’s Gun these days?

Since Tears in the Rain we have heard absolutely nothing from The Palpitations – until now. Because on the fourteenth February 2011 Danielle, Davey, Nicolas and William return with their follow up release – Milk It – following an enforced hiatus due to university commitments.

Milk It is a ferocious and energetic piece of indie punk – the kind of song that MUST be played loud. Don’t play it through your crappy tiny laptop speakers, that’s not going to work – this is music that deserves to be played through a big f*ck off sound system in a dark room, with the volume turned up five notches too many and your ear pressed up right against it. It’s a sound that will make you want to pogo violently and shake in sweaty lost-it-all-oblivion.

Then once you’ve calmed down a little, wrench yourself up again a grab the free download of another new song – Shirley Valentine and remind yourself of the glory of Tears in the Rain as well. It’s good to have them back, let’s hope they don’t leave it quite so long till the next release.

The Palpitations - Milk It by clubthemammoth

The Palpitations - Shirley Valentine [FREE DOWNLOAD] by clubthemammoth

Tears In The Rain by thepalpitations

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