Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Song of the Week - Elle Coves - Born To Lose


Today’s Song of the Week was actually released last Wednesday, which raises the question is it this week’s song of the week or last week’s? Or does the week actually run in any seven day period? And more to the point, does anybody actually care?

So, let’s just cut to the chase and remind ourselves that time is just a human construct and in the big scheme of things (or even the small scheme of things) nobody really gives a toss about the Breaking More Waves Song of the Week. Except me.

But if you do have any passing interest in these things then have a listen to Born To Lose by Elle Coves. There’s a big dollop of Americana-Pop and Taylor Swift influence here, which depending on your perspective is either a rather excellent thing or just a bit overdone these days. It also has some rather nice lyrics about “what makes you think your tears can put this fire out”, which technically Elle is 100% right about. Unless of course it’s the world’s smallest fire or somebody has a sprinkler system built in their eyes. Anyway, even if Born To Lose isn’t actually about fire fighting with your eyes, it’s a pleasing tune. You can find it as always on the Breaking More Waves New Music Weekly playlist (here), or at least you can if you are reading this before Friday 9th February, because it's all change then.

Elle Coves plays London Camden Assembly (or The Barfly as older readers may remember it, or The Monarch for those collecting their pensions) tomorrow (the 7th) and there are still some tickets available if you fancy it.

Elle Coves - Born To Lose

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