Tuesday, 19 May 2020

International Teachers of Pop - Flood The Club

This is the new single from International Teachers of Pop. Here are all (well 4) facts you need to know:

1. If you look a little closely at the video you’ll see that at least one member of the band has joined the #MusiciansInTheBath club. By now you’ll probably all understand my obsession with this ever growing movement – but if not you really do have a lot of catching up to do.

2. Flood The Club is taken from the bands forthcoming album Pop Gossip which will be released on Friday 28th August. So far every single from it has been first-rate and this one is no exception so I’m excited for the album.

3. All proceeds from the download of the song will go to the support fund for the Trades Club in Hebden Bridge. Adrian from International Teachers of Pop has described the Trades Club as one of his favourite venues: “Playing the Trades Club is always that much needed cuddle on the tour itinerary.” As you are no doubt aware lots of independent venues are struggling to survive right now and if punters and musicians value them in any way shape or form, where they can afford to, they need to put their hands in their pockets and help support them. Here’s looking at all you big wealthy musicians in particular. One really hopes the Adele's and Ed Sheeran's of this world have made some donations - remembering where they started out.

4. The track itself is a dark disco banger, considering a dystopian world of clubbing that’s very clean; discos with their sprinklers on all night, taps over-flowing on the dance floor. It’s the sound of steel and throbbing avant-synths ready to pump up the volume and turn up the strobes. This one goes deep and will leave you yearning for a dirty night out on the town even more so than you did before. Get tapped in to this.

International Teachers of Pop - Flood The Club

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