Thursday, 16 April 2020

Courtney Marie Andrews - Burlap String

Having already recorded and released one of the most beautiful songs of the year so far (March’s If I Told) Courtney Marie Andrews returns with another extraordinarily gorgeous piece of music.

Burlap String was written for what Courtney describes as one of the great loves of her own lifetime. “I reckon with grief in this love story, wishing things could’ve gone differently. This song is very special to me, and I hope it is for you too,” she says.

It seems that whatever happens with Courtney’s personal life, her music can do no wrong. As always her vocal possesses a vulnerability and sadness: “I’m a sceptic of love,” she sings; you’ll probably find yourself wilting immediately. It’s heart-breaking but oddly comforting and necessary as well.

The video for the song was shot in Arizona at a place called Young Blood Hill. The end of the video finds Courtney placing flowers on a memorial to two of her musician friends, Derrick and Amy who died unexpectedly within 24 hours of each other.

Courtney’s next album Old Flowers will be released on the 5th June and I’m already sensing that 2020 could be a good year for acoustic singer songwriters with Laura Marling having already delivered a wonderful piece of work that feels like a Mercury Prize nominee / end of year list possibility. Courtney could easily be next (for end of year lists anyway - she won't qualify for the Mercury). Did I say this was gorgeous? Well sometimes a message is worth repeating.

Courtney Marie Andrews - Burlap String

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