Monday, 1 April 2019

Introducing: AVA

Normally on this day of the year Breaking More Waves goes a little wonky and I post some sort of April Fools’ day post – from the advert for DIY Breaking More Waves merchandise made out of Sellotape, handwritten notes and plastic bags, to a fake new band called Duben Tosk (you can still listen to their ‘music’ by clicking here), to an announcement that I’m converting Breaking More Waves to a food and porn blog with live video streams, to an announcement of the first ever Breaking More Waves tour featuring just me reading my blog to an audience from my laptop.

For once though I’m putting the jokes aside and continuing to focus on music. And today what beautiful music it is.

Whilst Breaking More Waves has always focussed heavily on pop, indie, electronic and acoustic music, regular readers will have also picked up that ambient music is very close to my heart, be it electronic and sample based or of a more classical variety. Last year for example Erland Cooper’s Solan Goose was my favourite record of the year.

Today I’m introducing a new duo AVA who released their debut single Waves last Friday. They are Anna Phoebe and Aisling Brouwer – and they make ambient soundscapes formed out of the connections and interactions between piano and violin. Both are professional composers in their own right; Aisling for film and TV and Anna for the Royal Ballet School (as well as a session musician for multi-platinum selling bands and artists). They will be putting out an album through One Little Indian records on the 12th July, which is described as ‘a deeply personal record written for those looking to find solace in a world full of unrest.’

This first track, Waves, was recorded in a studio just a mile from the Kent coast and uses Brouwer’s piano playing as the sea whilst the violin plays the part of the surf coming into the shore. It’s an incredibly evocative and beautiful piece and it's easy to visualise the waves tumbling and rolling, full of power and rhythm as you listen to the music. 

With a forthcoming Erland Cooper album also dealing with the wonder of the sea and with Julia Kent having already released a stunning album this year, 2019 looks like being a very good one for modern post classical / ambient music. Get to know AVA and let them take you to a better place with their album this summer.

AVA - Waves

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