Monday, 10 September 2018

New Music: Courtney Marie Andrews - Heart And Mind

I’ve made no secret of my love for Courtney Marie Andrew’s latest album, the divine May Your Kindness Remain. Ten songs of showstopping country / soul beauty that are delivered with an empathy and truthfulness that show that not every form of art has to be progressive if it’s done with skill.

Today, following some recent UK dates, Courtney has released a new song that could have very well fitted on that record. However, this is no throwaway out-take but another genuine piece of brilliance that once again finds singing Courtney singing her heart out. 

Heart and Mind was written after the Women’s March in 2016 and around the time it was revealed that amongst the many hurtful things Donald Trump has said he had made some gross comments about women and the way he treated them. “It reminded me of all the times I, or someone close to me, had been harassed, sexually abused, cat-called or body shamed. The song is intended to empower, and to conquer our demons,” Courtney has said. 

It’s a striking piece of work. Doleful guitars create the canvas for Courtney to paint her striking voice over the top – if the wind is blowing outside listen to the way even that drops – this is a song to silence everything. 

The video is a compilation that Courtney put together of mother and daughters from all around the world to celebrate the bond between the two.

Fun fact: I’ve mentioned this before but Courtney’s voice reminds me a lot of Maria McKee, the ex Lone Justice singer. If you’ve never heard of Maria take a listen to her solo song Nobody’s Child (click here to listen on Spotify), which has a similar ambience to Heart and Mind and then listen to the whole of her self-titled debut. And if you haven’t listened to May Your Kindness Remain yet, make sure your put that on your list as well.

Courtney Marie Andres - Heart and Mind (Video)

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