Saturday, 28 October 2017

New Music: Introducing - Gang of Youths

Sometimes, no matter how much of a music fan you are, no matter how many records you listen to, there will always be some that get away. Or at least almost get away. My theory is that eventually the good stuff will nearly always find its way to you, even if it’s not instantly.

Australia’s Gang of Youths are one such band. They're already two albums in. The second one achieved a number 1 slot in their homeland, although it has only just recently been released in the UK. Until the other day I hadn’t heard of them. You, being a discerning music fan probably have. But if like me, somehow they’ve passed you by, let me introduce you. I ‘discovered’ them just a couple of days ago in a provincial nightclub on the outskirts of London playing to a small but passionate fan base and now I need to shout about this band from the rooftops (or at least this small corner of the internet). Why? Because this is a group that has produced a vast and triumphant record that is undoubtedly one of the finest indie rock albums of the year. It's called Go Farther In Lightness

If you’re a fan of The National, The Walkmen, The Strokes or Bruce Springsteen as well as (perhaps surprisingly) American composer Phillip Glass and (at least for one moment) Guns N Roses the chances are you’ll love this record, which their incredibly charismatic frontman Dave Le’aupepe describes as being: “About being a real life human being, with all our self-loathing, hopes, anxieties, sorrows and joys. It is about not knowing what the f*ck I’m doing, but having a good old stab at it anyways. It is about demonstrating empathy, overthinking metaphysics and, at the risk of seeming overly trite, embracing humanness in myself and those around me in the here and now.” 

Go Farther In Lightness is an album that clearly comes from the heart. It’s vulnerable, powerful, cathartic and packed full of incredible songs. 

Watch the video for The Deepest Sighs, The Frankest Shadows and get ready to feel so many emotions run through your body, then crash that body around the room to the frantic What Can I Do If The Fire Goes Out? which streams via Soundcloud. This album comes highly recommended, as do the band’s exuberant live shows. Go buy it, stream it, devour it and fall in love with it.

If like me you’re late to the party, it’s OK, we’re only getting started. Welcome Gang of Youths into your life.

Gang of Youths - The Deepest Sighs, the Frankest Shadows

Gang of Youths - What Can I Do If The Fire Goes Out?

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