Saturday 31 December 2016

My Favourite Albums of 2016: #4 Julia Jacklin - Don't Let The Kids Win

My fourth favourite album of 2016 is Don’t Let The Kids Win by Australian singer-songwriter Julia Jacklin.

This is a record of subdued slow burning  alt-country indie songs with the occasional touch of something a little grungier and raw. It isn’t an instant big hitting album. It’s hues are smoky and gently languorous, the musical equivalent of sitting in a quiet bar staring out of the window with a cigarette and a long drink. It's an album of clever observational wit. It’s an album that on first sounds like it isn’t trying to hard, but then the try too hards always lack the authenticity to keep you listening for much more than a moment. This isn’t a record that takes a moment. It needs more than that. It’s worth your time.

Julia Jacklin - Hay Plain

Julia Jacklin - Pool Party (Video)

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