Tuesday, 20 September 2016

New Music: Skott - Amelia

If you’re anything like me, you’ll love a theory about pop music that has no basis in science and is totally based on a hunch. In fact, when you think about it, (and sadly I too often do) that’s how most pop musicians get deals with record labels in the first place. Music industry types might use lots of data before deciding to sign someone, but ultimately they can never know if that artist is going to be a success or not - it's all just guess work. Whatever marketing strategy you use, you can't force the public to like a song.

Last July when I wrote about Skott’s second release Wolf I suggested that there was a growing trend for whacking an animal reference into a pop song; Skott had achieved that admirably with Wolf. Now I’d like to present another theory to you. It’s based on an old idea, but I’m updating it for 2016. Let’s call it The Breaking More Waves Theory of Alphabet Bands (which has nothing to do with our blogger chum Alphabet Bands, but maybe Adam, its writer, can throw some light on all of this being an alphabet expert?)

In 2012 I suggested that if you were a new musician then your best bet for success at that time was to have a name starting with L. That theory proved to have some accuracy with my tips Lianne La Havas, Lana Del Rey, Lucy Rose and Foxes (her real name begins with L) all doing reasonably well. Now for 2016/17 I’m updating and suggesting that S is the one to have. After all we have the likes of Seramic, Sofi Tukker and Skott herself all delivering the goods and potentially being on a few of those end of year tip lists that you either love / hate / couldn’t give a monkey about.

So with all the right credentials in place - the letter S starting her name and an animal reference in one of her songs, all Skott needs to do is produce some quality tunes. And guess what? She’s done that again with new one Amelia, which is a thrilling ride through the planet alt-pop. Part folky, part electronic it’s probably my favourite of her 3 releases to date and certainly the most powerful. Take a listen and lose yourself for a few minutes. 

Skott plays a couple of shows in London later this month - one at Notting Hill Arts Club supporting Muna, which is sold out, and one at Birthdays on the 29th September. Keep an eye on my Twitter feed for reports back on the Birthdays show.

Skott - Amelia

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention Robin, and the rather foolhardy suggestion that I may be some kind of expert on anything...

    Based on my own non-scientific research I would concur with your findings to a degree. 'L' was a very popular letter for artists to start with back in 2012, but it doesn't appear to have had any longevity.

    'S', as you suggest, and also the letter 'A' have been by far the popular for band submissions to my Alphabet in the five years I have run it. Subsequently they have also (generally) proven to be the most successful.

    An honourable mention should also go out to the letter 'C' for a solid showing over the years.
