Tuesday, 27 September 2016

New Music: Anteros - Ring Ring (Video)

Over the last year Anteros have definitely edged up my league table of favourite new credible pop bands and so tonight, for the second time, I’m very pleased to be catching them live. If you’re in the south coast region, then come, Southampton Joiners is your destination. (Tickets here)

And what better way to prepare for the gig than one of those ‘classic’ band on tour videos, for Ring Ring, from the truly excellent Breakfast EP. So, what debauched activity can we expect from the band in this video? Obscene drug use, maybe something similar to the dreaded Cocainus chapter in the Tim Burgess book Telling Stories? Or maybe rampant alcohol fuelled sex orgies that would make the likes of Keith Richards blush? No, it seems not. Today’s modern band has to take a somewhat more low-key approach; so expect a bit of larking around in a service station, quite a lot of sleeping and various puzzled faces whilst putting up tents at festivals. 

Call me boring, but frankly I’m all for this less exuberant approach – at my age all I want from a gig is some good music and to be home by midnight for a nice cup of tea. Please take note all touring bands that I go to see. It’s not much fun for the punter if the artist is busy shagging a stranger backstage*, high on illegal substances before arriving an hour late to give a shit-faced useless performance.

*Unless perhaps, in certain circumstances, you are that stranger.

Anteros - Ring Ring (Video)

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