Wednesday, 20 July 2016

New Music: Introducing - Lowes

When listening to new music some of us like to hear stuff that’s well within our comfort zones. On the other hand, some people (and I would guess a minority) like music that challenges them, that pushes their boundaries. These people thrive off hearing something that is incomparable to anything else they have ever heard before. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m about 75% comfort zone listening and 25% danger zone. If I spend too long in the comfort zone I yearn for something different to kickstart the excitement again.

Today I’m introducing a new three piece from Lancaster and for readers of Breaking More Waves they are very likely to drift easily into the safe listening area. They make the sort of music that you’d probably expect to find on this blog. You can probably design the checklist without even pressing play. Wonderfully composed female vocals that still manage to capture elements of emotion? Tick. Some piano? Tick. Mellow melancholy sounding chill pop? Tick. Being not that dissimilar to someone like Clare Maguire or London Grammar perhaps? Tick. Sophisticated yet still organic? Tick. But it’s all very well ticking the boxes, yet without the most important ingredient of all, a good song, it means nothing. Thankfully, this band with their debut Awake At Night have created something rather magnificent. Call it well crafted if you must, but it's certainly hit my comfort button. 

Ever had one of those times at night when you can't stop thinking about someone, one part of your mind racing, the other part screaming to let go? This is a song about those times.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you Lowes.

Lowes - Awake At Night

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