Saturday, 9 April 2016

New Music: RIVRS - Friend Lover (Video)

As I continue with a number of 'stuff I didn't feature earlier because I was on holiday' posts, here's a video that I could have posted in early March,  but I decided to hold back on it until I had finally seen the band live a few days after the video was released, the idea being that I could then add something extra to the post, and write about the show as well as the video. Alas the gig (supporting Foxes at Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms) got cancelled due to illness, not just once, but twice, and has been rescheduled for May. By the time all the cancellation shenanigans occurred I had, like a true professional (!?!), forgotten about the video, until I was on holiday last week when I watched it again.

So here it is. Finally. You might have already seen it. But if you haven't here are the IMPORTANT FACTS that you need to know.

1. The song is called Friend Lover. I'm not sure if that's a friend who you also have sex with or a person who loves your friends or something else entirely. Sorry. Maybe if I'd listened to the lyrics more carefully I would know, but I was carefully studying the visuals instead for lots of deep astute analysis which I will cover in point 2 below.

2. There's lots of slow motion in the video which means plenty of opportunity to shoot things that look good in that form, namely flicking long hair and smashing things. Maybe a penalty kick save could have also been added - that's always good in slow mo - but probably not what RIVRS are really going for.

3. Friend Lover is released through Charli XCX's label Vroom Vroom Recordings, which is nice as I've written about Charli XCX a lot on this blog from when she was just a wee babe with some tracks on vintage social networking site Bebo (remember that?) and I've also written about RIVRS a fair bit, which is good as it gives the blog a certain sort of consistency and makes it look like I know what I'm doing. Which in reality I don't.

4. I will finally (all things being well and no further cancellations occurring) get to see RIVRS supporting Foxes at Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms on May 10th. No doubt you'll find some sort of 'commentary' on the gig on my Twitter feed which you can find and follow here.

RIVRS - Friend Lover (Video)

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