Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Wyldest - Dark Matter

The curse of the D-I-Y unfunded music blogger has hit Breaking More Waves and that curse is called spare time. If (like us) you read a number of other music blogs you’ll soon come to realise that the output (both in terms of quality of the music they stream, the quality of the writing and the regularity of which they post) varies. Spare time is the biggest reason. The most ‘on it’ blogs (unless funded) are generally not ‘on it’ because of some innate ability to find and discover the best music, but simply they have more time to listen and write. We’ve been doing this long enough now to see many of the so called ‘best’ and ‘coolest’ music blogs die a slow (or sometimes sudden) death when the journey of life adds something new to the mix – generally full time work, or even more so, the ultimate blog killer, children.

For the rest of us, we soldier on as best we can trying to avoid the effects of the curse, or living with it and fighting it, writing posts in our lunch breaks, late at night when the kids are in bed or early in the morning before everyone else is up. 

Why are we telling you this? Because that time curse has hit us hard the last week or so and we need your votes of confidence to keep us motivated. Consider it the internet version of a hug. Thanks.

Motivation to continue can come in many forms and one of those is by the way of good music. Wyldest supply exactly that, although rather like the RIVRS song Last Love we posted the other day this song has already featured on the blog, albeit in demo form, in May 2014 when the band was just a duo in its embryonic stages and known as Wildest Dreams. We're pleased our post gave the band their very first piece of exposure – it was nice to see the slow organic build of the track following that post and the subsequent interest from the music industry. 

So now we return to Dark Matter. Produced with Guy Massey (Idlewild, Palma Violets) it's been given a sound more sturdy and propulsive than the original demo, whilst maintaining its floating core and melancholy depth – watch out for the surprising change of pace halfway through. If Dark Matter had existed in 1984/5 no doubt it would have been released by legendary indie label 4AD, but instead this is 2015 and will be put out in 2016 by relatively new on the block indie Hand In Hive on a forthcoming EP. 

Wyldest play The Waiting Room in London on 27th November following a very well received set at Dials Festival in Portsmouth in October.

Wyldest - Dark Matter


  1. keep it up mate - it always amazes me how much you do considering how much you do if you get my drift

  2. Well done for keeping at it so long, good work!

  3. Thanks for making me aware of this release, exactly what i needed today. Keep up the good work!
