Thursday, 17 September 2015

Pumarosa - Priestess

Back in February we introduced a band called Puma Rosa (formerly known as Ada) to readers of Breaking More Waves. They had impressed us with a couple of demos they had on Soundcloud – the ethereal and lolloping Red and atmospheric indie of Dragonfly. At the time there seemed to be very little buzz about them.

Since then it seems that things have developed quite nicely for the band, both creatively and in terms of ‘the biz’. First there’s been a minor name change – Pumarosa is now all one word rather than two and secondly they have a new song called Priestess which is being released by markers of quality, Chess Club, in the UK. It's a bit of a stonker.

The first time we heard Priestess we were immediately transported back to the ‘Madchester’ scene of the late 80’s and early 90’s.Not because the song sounds particularly like anything out of that era – if anything there’s a slightly gothic undertone to the track, but in the way that it develops that same sense of hypnosis by a throbbing groove that bands like the Happy Mondays and The Stone Roses owned. It’s the musical equivalent of wonderfully dark layered narcotic hedonism and yes, it is bloody marvellous. If anything its seven minutes simply isn’t enough. 

Pumarosa - Priestess

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