Thursday, 20 August 2015

Låpsley - Hurt Me

Well this is rather good isn’t it? Hurt Me, the new single from Låpsley is a shift more towards the middle ground of traditional pop song than her previous more experimental work, but thankfully with the change there is absolutely no loss in all the things that made her previous songs so compelling; the beauty, the heart wrenching emotion and the power through calmness are all still present and correct. 

Before you panic with our use of the words 'middle ground', let’s be clear; Låpsley hasn’t made a club banger bound for constant rotation on Capital FM and is unlikely to soon be found hanging out in the VIP section of Shoooshh or Liquid with Joey Essex. No, this is just the sign of a young artist developing and expanding her musical vision even further, not playing safe and repeating what has gone before, without compromising what made her special in the first place.

Låpsley - Hurt Me

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic video and song. I love how it comes together at the end.
