Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The Japanese House - Teeth

Despite having only put 3 songs out onto the internet (the first Still we posted here, the second Pools To Bathe In we didn’t and this is the third) Amber Bain aka The Japanese House has already built up a sizeable Twitter following in a relatively short space of time. The reason? The 1975 influence and support; the two acts share the same label and George Daniel & Matthew Healy of the band helped Amber produce these songs. A quick look at those growing Twitter followers will find that a large number of them are tweeting an awful lot about The 1975.

So with that leg up, how’s the music standing up? Pretty well actually. Teeth is a slightly experimental electronic piece that manages to feature a sleepy, end of journey ambience, snatches of a guitar riff that sounds like its bursting from the ghost of some damaging 80’s hair metal band and some light R’n’B flavours to ensure that it captures the zeitgeist. If that all sounds a little weird, in the whole, it isn’t; it works. It may not be obviously commercial but there’s a warmth to the electronic sound that’s slowly appealing. 

The Japanese House - Teeth

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