Thursday, 8 January 2015

Vallis Alps - New Waves

If you put all (well some) of the more mellow / melancholy pop music that we’ve featured (and therefore enjoyed) on Breaking More Waves over the last few years into a pot and stirred it around, slowly letting all the flavours, tears and heartbreak melt into one, the result would quite possibly be lunar valley referencing duo Vallis Alps. Think Broods, London Grammar, The XX. Think bloody gorgeous. Think sadness. Think pop that sounds utterly modern but is tinged with an exquisite world weariness. Think music that just when you’ve got the gist of it throws in some wonky electronic dance references and oddball synth parts (take a listen to their song Thru for that). Think something that sounds cosily familiar and yet still manages to surprise. 

The stand out song on this debut EP is Young, which opens the whole thing (streaming below). Young takes the crown for our favourite tune of the year so far. Ok, there hasn’t been a huge amount of competition, we’re only 8 days in, but who said we had to wait until February or any other time?

Vallis Alps is Parissa Tossif and David Ansari from Canberra, Australia. Hats off to them for not playing the dirty tease and just slipping out one song whilst shrouding themselves in mystery, which seems to be the standard boring music industry practice these days. Instead, straight away, bang, you have a whole EP, and know who they are. You could even follow both of them on Twitter if you wanted. An impressive start. Grab the EP here.

Vallis Alps - Young

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