Thursday, 30 October 2014

Coasts - Wash Away

Wash Away, the second track to be streamed from Coasts forthcoming EP, is top-notch. Sounding like an incoming storm, this rattles with a pleasingly explosive epic-indie sound that comes with a stamp on it marked 'designed for big venues.'

However, we can't let them get away with just a good tune. There's a matter of some lyrics:

“Our Days are lost in a summer haze, our voices soft in the twilight gaze, like an orange peel, you give me the sweetest feel.”

Sorry Coasts, but we have a fruit related issue with this.

Orange peel? 

Orange peel!!!!

Making you feel sweet?

Isn’t orange peel a bit tart rather than sweet? Bitter sweet, we'd give you that, but not just sweet.

Maybe a re-write is required. How about:

“Your sex appeal, gives me the sweetest feel.”

Or something that is actually sweet:

“Like a wagon wheel, you give me the sweetest feel.”

Mmmm….. Wagon Wheels….. all that jam, chocolate and marshmallow. Lovely.

Coasts - Wash Away

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